Family Disability Services (FDS) was established in 1981 to help children and adults with disabilities and to strengthen families by providing individualized home and community-based services that promote dignity, respect, and self-advocacy.  FDS provides direct care in clients’ homes to assist with daily tasks and goals. They also work to foster opportunities for learning, community inclusion, and self-determination.

In federal fiscal year 23, FDS provided direct care to 45 clients and their families.

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Get Help from Family Disability Services

Family Disability Services is certified to provide services to individuals on the following waivers offered by State of Alaska Division of Senior and Disabilities:

  • Adults with Physical and Developmental Disabilities (APDD)
  • Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (IDD Waiver)
  • Children with Complex Medical Conditions (CCMC Waiver)
  • Individualized Supports Waiver (ISW)
  • Alaskans Living Independently (ALI)

These waivers represent a program Alaska developed under provisions of Section 1915(c) of the Social Security Act. Waivers are for people who meet much higher standards of care than those typically funded through other developmental disability programs. A waiver is used to mean the source of funding is “federal” rather than “general state funds.” Waivers are a Medicaid program and adhere to both state and federal regulations.

Available waiver services at FDS:

  • Hourly & Daily Respite – designed to give the primary caregiver a break.
  • In Home Supports and Supported Living – Assists with the acquisition and retention of daily living and independent living skills in the home.
  •  Day Habilitation – Assists with skill acquisition and retention in the community. 
  • Supported Employment – Assistance with job readiness and employment

How do I apply for a new waiver?

There is currently a waitlist, but you can contact the regional office of the State of Alaska Senior and Disability Services closest to you, and request an Eligibility Determination and  Request for Services Application packet. FDS can support you through the application process. Please contact us if you would like assistance applying for a new waiver.

To find out more about our program and how FDS can help your family, review the following links:

Useful Local Resources

Contact us

Program Director: Sara Kurtz,
Office: 907.222.7371
Cell: 907.229.4866

Medicaid Program Coordinator: Veronica Cuevas
Office: 907.222.7306

Administrative Assistant: Angela Bierman,