Catholic Social Services’ mission is comprised of three important parts: compassionately serving those in need, strengthening individuals and families, and advocating for the common good. Everyday we are serving Anchorage’s most vulnerable by empowering individuals and families on their path to permanent stability. Join us in advocating for the common good by signing-up for Advocacy Alerts and/or inviting a speaker from our programs to come visit.
Invite a Speaker to Visit
Catholic Social Services works with complex issues that impact our community. Want to hear how Brother Francis Shelter provides new hope? Want to learn about refugee resettlement in Alaska? Interested in learning about addressing food insecurity in Anchorage? We can come to your school, church, service organization meeting or any place in which your group wants more information about the services Catholic Social Services provides. Contact Molly Cornish ( to set up a presentation.
Sign-up for Advocacy Alerts
By signing up, you will be the first to know about pressing issues that impact the work we do and the people we serve at Catholic Social Services. Advocacy allows each of us to have our voices heard in the public sphere, attract attention from policy makers, the media, and people around the world. By advocating for a cause, you are able to share your perspective in the community and act as a catalyst for change.
When those opportunities arise, you will find details, updates, and calls to action in your inbox. With our voices united, we can advocate for vulnerable Alaskans, ensuring that we continue to compassionately serve those in need, strengthen individuals and families and advocate for the common good.
Please fill out the form below to take action and to stay updated.