Catholic Social Services will announce RFAs on this page. When applying for an RFA, please complete the corresponding application and submit to the identified point of contact. Once submitted, RFAs undergo a full review. When reviewing an RFA, Catholic Social Services is responsible for evaluating the feasibility of the bids submitted, the financial health of the bidding companies, and each bidder’s ability to undertake the project.

The Alaska Office for Refugees – Open RFAs

Budget Template
Frequently Asked Questions

Afghan Refugee Support Services (ASA) Extended Community Orientation
Overview: The purpose of this funding is to develop curriculum and teach extended community
orientation classes for Afghan Humanitarian Parolees (AHP).

Job Readiness Curriculum and Virtual Classes
Overview: The purpose of this funding is to develop curriculum for English immersion Job
Readiness classes and to offer and host virtual job readiness classes that are accessible to ORR
eligible populations living statewide

Refugee Health Education Curriculum Development
Overview: The overall objectives of the RHP program is to increase wellbeing amongst refugee
populations through health programming

Refugee Health Promotion (RHP)
Overview: The overall objective of the RHP program is to increase wellbeing amongst refugee
populations through health programming.

Refugee School Impact
Overview: The Refugee School Impact programs serve clients from birth to age 18 and their
guardians to access and navigate educational systems while increasing the skills needed to be
successful students through enrichment activities.

Refugee School Impact Professional Development for Educators
Overview: The Refugee School Impact programs serve clients from birth to age 18 and their
guardians to access and navigate educational systems while increasing the skills needed to be
successful students through enrichment activities.

Refugee School Impact STEAM Enrichment
Overview: The Refugee School Impact programs serve clients from birth to age 18 and their
guardians to access and navigate educational systems while increasing the skills needed to be
successful students through enrichment activities.

Refugee Support Services (RSS) Case Management and Supportive Services
Overview: Case management traditionally involves linking the client to available resources.
These connections are most often made through the completion of the Family Self-Sufficiency
Plan (FSSP), Budgets, and Alaska Quality of Life Scale. Linking clients to appropriate services
involves assistance in the process of filling out forms, making phone calls, and accompanying a
client to meet with a service provider.

Refugee Support Services (RSS) Employment Services
Overview: Employment is the key to self-sufficiency for new arrivals. A robust initial
employment services program is essential in connecting newly arriving ORR eligible populations
with work opportunities.

Trades Career Development and Placement Program
Overview: Employment is the key to self-sufficiency for new arrivals. A number of Ukrainian
Humanitarian Parolee (UHP) clients have arrived to Alaska with a background in the trades.
Alaska seeks to assist these clients in entering the workforce utilizing these skills and to advance
in the trades into better jobs through new partnerships, training, VESL classes, and recertification.

Ukrainian Refugee Support Services (AUSAA) Case Management and
Supportive Services

Overview: Case management traditionally involves linking the client to available resources.
These connections are most often made through the completion of the Family Self-Sufficiency
Plan (FSSP), Budgets, and Alaska Quality of Life Scale. Case management with Ukrainians is
varied based on the support the clients are receiving from their sponsors. Linking clients to
appropriate services involves assistance in the process of filling out forms, making phone calls,
and accompanying a client to meet with a service provider.

Ukrainian Refugee Support Services (AUSAA) Employment Services
Overview: Employment is the key to self-sufficiency for new arrivals. A robust initial
employment services program is essential in connecting newly arriving UHPs with work