The Alaska Office for Refugees (AOR) administers the state refugee resettlement program for Alaska. Funded by the Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR), AOR works with sub awardees around the state to help refugees and other ORR eligible populations access cash and medical assistance, comprehensive health services, employment, English language training, and multiple types of adjustment services to achieve self-sufficiency and integration.
In federal FY 22, Alaska enrolled 497 new arrivals from 8 different countries.
AOR-Funded Services
In order to access AOR services, you must first do an eligibility verification and intake with Refugee Assistance and Immigration Services (RAIS). To enroll in refugee services or to see if you are eligible, please contact Barbi Cupper, at or 907-222-7365.
Anchorage Services
Alaska Literacy Program
- Health Education Curriculum Development
Contact: Amy Facklam (Director of Adult Education),, 907-743-0202
Anchorage Community Land Trust
- Set-Up Shop Business Support for Ukrainian Humanitarian Parolees
Contact: Jay Her,
Anchorage Museum
- Refugee School impact STEAM Activities
Contact: Erin Marbarger (Senior Education Director),, 907-929-9259
Anchorage School District
- Refugee School Impact
- Support to Schools (ASA)
Contact: Bobbi Lafferty (ELL Program Director), 907-742-4457
Catholic Social Services – Refugee Assistance and Immigration Services
- Case Management & Intakes (RSS, AUSAA, ASA & RCA)
- Employment Services
- Health Promotion
- Refugee School Impact
- Youth Mentoring
- Services for Older Refugees
Contact: Brigit Reynolds (Director),, 907-222-7348
New Chance Ukrainian Relief Inc.
- Ukrainian employment services
Contact: Zori Opanasevych (Director),, 907-980-0835
Project Alaska Inc.
- Ukrainian Trades Career Development (AUSAA)
Contact: Tetyana Robbins (President),, 907-360-2565
Mat-Su Valley Services
Catholic Social Services – Refugee Assistance and Immigration Services
- Case Management & Intakes (RSS, AUSAA, ASA & RCA)
- Employment Services
- Health Promotion
- Refugee School Impact
Contact: Brigit Reynolds (Director),, 907-222-7348
Mat-Su Borough School District
- Refugee School Impact
Contact: Eli Wouk (Federal Programs – Services and Events),, 907-746-9206
Delta Services
Catholic Social Services – Refugee Assistance and Immigration Services
- Case Management (RSS & AUSAA)
- Employment Services
- Health Promotion
- Refugee School Impact
Contact: Brigit Reynolds (Director),, 907-222-7348
Delta Greeley School District
- Support services for Ukrainian students
Contact: Shaun Streyle (Superintendent),
Statewide Services
Catholic Social Services – Refugee Assistance and Immigration Services
- Remote Case Management (RSS)
Contact: Brigit Reynolds (Director),, 907-222-7348
Fireweed Consulting
- Refugee School Impact Professional Development for Educators
Contact: Christine Garbe (owner),, 907-223-3967
New Chance, Inc.
- Virtual Job Readiness Curriculum Development and Class Delivery
Contact: Zori Opanasevych (Director),, 907-980-0835
To find a list of general community resources available to support new arrivals, click the button below.
Get Help from the Alaska Office for Refugees
Organizations or sponsors interested in supporting refugees or ORR eligible populations in Alaska should contact Mai La Vang at 907-720-1135
Useful Resources:
For an overview of the vetting process for refugees, please visit the U.S. Refugee Admission Process. You can also refer to the other local immigration assistance offices.
- Office of Refugee Resettlement
- WelcomeCorps
- Uniting for Ukraine
- Processes for Cubans, Haitians, Nicaraguans, and Venezuelans
Office of Refugee Resettlement Eligibility:
Who is eligible for ORR benefits? Any individual in the state of Alaska who has a status listed below, has arrived in the U.S. within the previous five years, or is within their first five years since receiving that status may qualify.
- Refugees
A refugee has fled his or her country because of well-founded fear of persecution for reasons on political opinion, race, religion, nationality or membership in a particular social group. The term “refugee” is a U.S. government recognized immigration status. - Asylees
An asylee is a person already present in the U.S. who fears persecution in his or her country of origin and is granted asylum by the U.S. government. The term “asylee” is a U.S. government recognized immigration status. - Humanitarian Parolees
A parolee is a person temporarily in the United States due to an emergency and urgent humanitarian reason or significant public benefit. Humanitarian parole does not offer a permanent pathway to lawful permanent residence. - Cuban and Haitian Entrants
A Cuban or Haitian Entrant is originally from Cuba or Haiti, and has been granted parolee status or another special status into the U.S. - Amerasians
An Amerasian is a child fathered in Asia by a U.S. soldier during the Vietnam War. - Victims of Severe Forms of Trafficking A Victim of a Severe Form of Trafficking has been brought into the U.S. and made to enter forced labor without an option to leave.
Services Provided by the Alaska Office for Refugees:
- Health Care Screening Clinic
- AOR coordinates health screening clinics throughout the state of Alaska for new arrivals to receive initial medical screenings. Screenings usually occur within 30-90 days after arrival in the United States and are conducted by our various health partners
Useful Links:
- United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
- U.S. Committee for Refugees
- Amnesty International
- Office of Refugee Resettlement
- United States Council on Catholic Bishops – Migration Refugee Services
- Catholic Legal Immigration Network Inc. (CLINIC)
- National Human Trafficking Resource Center
- U.S. Committee for Refugees and Immigrants Trafficking Resources
Contact Us
Location: 4600 Debarr Road, Suite 201, Anchorage, AK 99508
Hours: Monday – Friday, 9am – 5pm
Please contact Mai La Vang at 907-720-1135 with questions