For families with dependents, families at shelter, or families residing in camps or cars – mobile case managers are available to help. Case managers will assist you with identifying and addressing barriers, increasing self-sufficiency, and securing permanent housing. They can meet eligible participants in the community or participants can come to Catholic Social Services’ main office for appointments. The best way to access our services is through Coordinated Entry.
Learn How You Can Access Coordinated Entry
Basic Eligibility Requirements
- Experiencing homelessness – Residing in a car, camp, shelter, or staying in a motel or hotel
- Desire and willingness to work on a service plan to increase self-sufficiency
Please note that there is often times a wait list for this program. In this case, the list is based on need and is prioritized as follows:
- Literally homeless and unsheltered – on the streets or in a car, etc.
- Staying at a hotel/motel
Please click below if you would like to complete the initial application: