Swivel Shot—a therapy dog who reads English and helps kids learn to read—is continuing to support her community by standing up against hunger and supporting Hunger Action Month.
1 in 7 Alaska children struggle with hunger, according to Feeding America.
Sheila Barrett—the owner of the beautiful Golden Retriever and Poodle mix—asks you to take the challenge and tell us what You Can Do with a Healthy Meal! Simply find a plate and write “With A Healthy Meal I Can …….” and take a photo of yourself or a loved one experiencing whatever it is you enjoy doing—like hiking, biking, reading, playing outside—and let us share it on social media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram) for the world to see!
Use the hashtags #HungerActionMonth and #endhunger for everyone to see your support to end hunger in your community. Also, don’t forget to wear orange!
All of the awareness brings us back to helping those families struggling to make ends meet.
When there is nowhere else to turn for hungry families, generous community and food pantries like St. Francis House food pantry are here.
32% of those who need food assistance in Anchorage are kids. Their parents may be underemployed, working part-time, or may be on disability, according to the Food Bank of Alaska.
Only you can bridge the gap when a mother is laid off, or a father has to take time off to address a debilitating medical condition.
You can help make an impact with a donation.
Just $25 will provide 10 kids with food for two days. Or gather your canned goods and pastas and bring them to St. Francis House food pantry at Catholic Social Services to help make a difference in our community.
Please consider giving to Saint Francis House food pantry.
Support St. Francis House!