Volunteer Request Form This form is for program staff to request volunteers for specific tasks or events. Step 1 of 2 50% Requester's name:* First Last Requester's email:* Requester's program:*Has your supervisor approved this request?* Yes, I have approval from my supervisor. Will volunteers have contact with clients?*Volunteers WILL have contact with clientsVolunteers WILL NOT have contact with clientsPriority level:*Urgent: 2 weeksGeneral: 3 weeks or moreFrequency*One timeRecurringWhen do you need volunteers?* MM slash DD slash YYYY Start Time:* : Hours Minutes AM PM AM/PM End Time:* : Hours Minutes AM PM AM/PM How many volunteers do you need?*Describe, in as much detail as possible, what help you need:*What equipment will volunteers use?Program will be required to provide all needed equipment.Who will be supervising?*Any specific skills needed: Δ